Sunshine Award

Wow, another award.  I am really flattered by this.  I was nominated for this a few days before but haven’t gotten around to passing it on.  I was nominated again today and took it as a sign I must do this today regardless of how busy.  Thank you both so very much, I honestly wish I could give these things back to those who nominated me since I believe you deserve it much more than I do.  Thank you so much to Fae from  Fae’s Twist and Tango and Randall from Savor the Food.  You should definitely visit their blogs; both great blogs!


The rules of the award are:

1  Visit and thank the blogger who nominated you.
2  Acknowledge that blogger on your blog and link back.
3  Answer the 10 questions listed below
4  Nominate up to 10 blogs for the award, a link to their blogs in your post, and notify them on their blogs.
5  Copy and paste the award on your blog somewhere

1. Who is your favorite philosopher?  — Err Confucius, mainly because it seems like I know the most about him.  What a weird question

2. What is your favorite number?     — 0

3. What is your favorite animal?     — Dragons, but since they don’t exist, cheetahs (haven’t met one, just think they’re cool)

4. What are your Facebook and Twitter?  — I did have a twitter account but never go on it, Facebook:  I actually don’t use facebook or twitter much =S (don’t judge)  I do use instagram though, I know, its not what the question asked for

5. What is your favorite time of the day?  — Those hours after midnight, but not really considered “morning”.  I seem to get most work done at those times, reading, blog posts etc.

6. What was your favorite vacation?   — Vienna and Budapest, truly got to see cultures completely different from what I’m use to.  More of a school trip than a vacation, but I’ll take it

7. What is your favorite physical activity?  — Any type of circuit training

8. What is your non-alcoholic drink?   — Water…I know, I’m dull like that

9. What is your favorite flower?   — Chocolate flowers (those you find on cake) sorry, I don’t really know flowers

10. What is your passion?   — Don’t really have 1 specific passion.  I guess sharing good times with those around you. (LAAMME, I know)

Blogs I nominate:

Carissa from At 350 Degrees – She loves to bake.  And why not, she’s amazing at it.  Her pictures make my mouth water and then the frustrations set in because I am such a horrible baker.

Anne from Uni Homemaker – She is a homemaker whose kitchen became her office.  She can cook, and bake; what can’t she do?

Stephane from My French Heaven – Stephane’s story is truly touching.  Choosing a path in life despite the objection by his father, I believe he made the right choice for he is amazing at what he does; he believes in sharing the best things in life with those around you.  Truly inspiring.

Rhonda from The Thankful Heart – A teacher who loves her family.  She blogs to keep track of the best moments in life, to record the joys of friends and family; that’s all we all ask, right? To remember and cherish loved ones around us.

Corinna from Cooking with Corinna – She loves food and anything to do with food; cook books, equipment, techniques, all of it.  And oh! Cocktails!

Steven from Captain of Cuisine – Steven wants to share his recipes with everyone.  And why not, they’re great! Whether it be recipes passed on through generations or ones he’s created himself, you’re bound to find something of your liking.

Conor from One Man’s Meat – This guy is amazing.  Introduced to blogging by his daughter, he posts some mouth watering dishes.  He likes it low and slow, which just shows he knows what hes doing.

Vinny from Cook up a Story – Vinny has a great vision.  He strives to encourage and expose food to the young children.  His story is really inspiring, the idea is great – teaching kids about food and the nutrition of food  in a fun and interactive way they can relate to.  Like I say It’s a huge step away from  the “eat this, its good for you” approach.

Sandra from Fotog Foodie – She loves food and loves photography.  What a great combo we can now see some amazing photos of food.  She also loves to travel and loves her dog.  Shes also from Toronto, like me.

Outside the box:

Fae and Randall both nominated me for this award so close to each other.  I was in a dilema at first; for everyone who nominates me for these awards, I just want to nominate them back.  I nominate Randall for Fae’s nomination and I nominate Fae for Randall’s nomination.  There, I found a loophole!  And I know the rules say nominate up to 10 bloggers and there are 11 here.  Well if you read my “about”, I told everyone from the get-go I do not like to follow instructions, so here we are!

Randall from Savor the Food – Randall is awesome.  He loves designing food and making things appealing to the human eye; and why not, we do eat with our eyes, no?  He’s given me a lot of encouraging comments and was one of those who nominated me.

Fae from Fae’s Twist and Tango – I love going through Fae’s Blog.  She travels the world and gets inspired by the local cuisines.  Isn’t this everyone’s dream in life? To travel the world and eat everything?  Well I know that is one of my dreams, and she lives it.  Fae also nominated me for this

24 responses to “Sunshine Award

    • Thank you! Well firstly it helps expose you to other bloggers out there. And as a blogger, it’s really encouraging and its a good feeling to know that some people appreciate what I do, which makes me continue to pump out posts

    • Hey, Mike here is a more elaborate answer to your question earlier by my friend, Randall from

      Blogging awards are nominated to bloggers as an encouragement. To let them know they are writing about somethings others like to read. That there blog is set up and laid out well for others to navigate and explore. Sometimes we the blogger think we are no good at this, and think to stop blogging. So the award is only to keep us going. To help us feel what we may think is pointless,has meaning to someone else.

      Like this, why do you put gas in the tank? So it can go another 300 miles or another week or too. The blogging awards do that for us. It puts gas in our tanks..just when we want to stop we can write some more.

      And here is some more..just in case you didn’t know this. Did you know Stephen King, when he wrote his first book..he through it in the trash. He has done that with most of his books. But his wife takes them out of the trash and when the time is appropriate, she hands papers back to him and encourages him to finish the story. So how many of his movies have you watched and liked..when he thought the story was a waist of time. Stephan’s wife was his blog award.

      wow I am long winded.

      Chef Randall

      • Thanks. That’s good perspective. I think your blog is great by the way.

        I am so busy trying to write new copy all the time I have not had time to deal with awards so thought I would ask. Net time someone asks me I will refer them your way.


      • Thanks! I checked out your blog, and i’m loving it. Some of these tours are definitely place I’d want to go some time in my life. They’re all cultures drastically different from mine and would love to experience that first hand, experience the cuisines, learn some of the cooking techniques etc.

      • You need to go to Asia. I too love to cook and have learned a ton from people there. My first time in Thailand I took notes in the street, phonetically writing down names of ingredients. Here in Fairbanks the former owner of the Asian market would help me find substitutes bc as he griped, “I work all day here, my wife is very mean, she makes me cook everything and clean up after too.” He smiled every time he said it so I am not sure whether she was mean or he was funny. Keep your dreams alive, Casey,


      • That’s a great story, I’m sure she’s “mean” but he likes it. The hardest part about traveling is the limited time; since there isn’t that much time, most of the time is spent on those “must see” tourists areas. I love what Anthony Bourdaine does, just by pass these places and do what the locals do and eat what the locals eat.

      • Bourdaine really does a great job. I have been doing that a long time I just never thought of sharing it with others on the level he does.

        The must see tourist destinations are what they are and I enjoy them. It’s the in between places that hold my fondest memories. I feel lucky to have seen what I have but at the same time I made travel a priority . Now its an addiction.


      • Thats so cool. Defiantly not an addiction you need an intervention for haha. Look forward to your future posts and stories! its like Bourdaine but on a more personal level haha.

  1. Thanks Caseylee. And if it is OK; to answer Mike’s question there above your.

    Blogging awards are nominated to bloggers as an encouragement. To let them know they are writing about somethings others like to read. That there blog is set up and laid out well for others to navigate and explore. Sometimes we the blogger think we are no good at this, and think to stop blogging. So the award is only to keep us going. To help us feel what we may think is pointless,has meaning to someone else.

    Like this, why do you put gas in the tank? So it can go another 300 miles or another week or too. The blogging awards do that for us. It puts gas in our tanks..just when we want to stop we can write some more.

    And here is some more..just in case you didn’t know this. Did you know Stephen King, when he wrote his first book..he through it in the trash. He has done that with most of his books. But his wife takes them out of the trash and when the time is appropriate, she hands papers back to him and encourages him to finish the story. So how many of his movies have you watched and liked..when he thought the story was a waist of time. Stephan’s wife was his blog award. 🙂

    wow I am long winded.

    Chef Randall

    • Great answer! Definitely more elaborate than my answer, haha. I think I was a little scared to be making a statement for the entire blogging world because I wasn’t so sure myself since I’m pretty new to the blogging world as well. I love the long winded-ness, If you know me personally, I just rant on and on and on.

  2. Casey, First, Congratulations on receiving your award x2, and thanks for the mention. I don’t know what to say! about this award going round-n-round. Your heart is in the right place though. Food and craft bloggers, especially, not only we have to plan the menu and cook it, but also take its photo and write about it. Blogging is a time consuming labor of love. All it takes is a virtual badge to encourage each other! You are cool! 😀 ))) Fae.

  3. Thank you so much for the nomination. I really appreciate it. I’m fairly new to this whole blogging thing and still figuring out the proper protocol that comes with it. Every recipe you’ve posted on here looks amazing. Thanks again.

    • Thanks a lot! I’m quite new to this blog thing too, only started this since last month. A bit intimidating at first but once you get the hang of it, its quite rewarding. Looking forward to your future posts!

  4. Pingback: Sunshine Award #2 « Fae's Twist & Tango·

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